Chairman Message

Dear Parents,
At Ralli International School we are committed to provide exclusive schooling facilities where creative learning is keenly encouraged with a blend of world class educational programmes to bring the best in international education to its students with a special focus on its ideology. The school is not just preparing students for life but as life to be lived with joy and purpose. The school ensures that students spend their early educational years in an environment of warmth, learning and growth. You as parents are our invaluable partners in achieving these goals.
The school almanac has been designed to help you to keep in touch with the activities and happenings at school and to facilitate easy communication with us on all matters of mutual interests. We hope you will study the rules and regulations mentioned in the almanac and provide complete support to us.We also hope you will go through your wards daily notes from the teachers, circulars and any other information sent to you by us and cherish the progress of your ward.
We are sure that the exchange of our views will strengthen our relationship which is in the interest of our children.
Surinder Kumar Ralli
Founder Chairman
Ralli International Schools