Rules & Regulation

Rules & Regulations
- 1. The Management reserves with itself the right of admission.
- 2. (a) Before a student can be considered for admission, the proforma/Form duly filled in and signed by either of the parent must be deposited in the school along with the pre-admission process fee. If neither of the parents is alive or present, the lawful guardian of the child can sign the form.
- (b) A child who has not attained the age of 5 years on 31st March will not be admitted to class I. Admission to higher or lower classes will be governed by this rule.
- 3. (a) A child who has previously studied in another recognized school will have to submit a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
- (b) Transfer Certificate from a School must be countersigned by the Education Officer of the District concerned.
- (c) Municipal Birth Certificate will have to be submitted for admission of a child who has not attended any recognized school previously.
- (d) Care must be taken to enter the name and the date of birth of the child correctly with accuracy. Subsequent changes in the date of birth or name will not be permitted.
- (e) Record of immunisation must be duly filled.
- (f) Admission is finalised after a prelimenary / interaction test and / or interview and payment of the prescribed fees which once paid is not refundable.
- (g) Before admission the parents should satisfy themselves that adequate transport arrangements exist for their wards from the place of residence to the school and back. Deviation from the established route or a change in the time schedule will not be permitted. Parents who shift their residence have to officially inform the School about the same so that proper changes are made in the school records. It is mandatory that this procedure should be carried out by parents themselves and not through correspondence or through their child.
- (h) Classes for students who have appeared for class 10th Board Examinations will commence before the results are declared. Class & stream allotments is entirely at the discretion of the Management. Final allotment of streams are done only after the Board Results. Parents desiring their children to continue in the school are required in apply in a prescribed form. Parents who do not submit the admission proforma to the school within the prescribed time, will forfeit their chance to be admitted in the School.
Examination Rules
The School follows a system of continuous and comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) Scheme as laid down by CBSE on the basis of performance and learning through rosters of assessments, assignments and observational activities
- 1. It is mandatory for every student to appear in all the examination in each subject.
- 2. In case of serious illness parents are requested not to send their ward to school. A medical certificate needs to be submitted along with the application.
- 3. A Minimum of 75% attendance is required to be eligible for promotion to the next class.
- 4. Result declared at the end of the year is Final.
- 5. The exam or test will be held on the given date. No request for taking the exam before or after the given date shall be entertained.
- 6. The School follows a Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Scheme as laid down by C.B.S.E i.e 4 F.A's
- 7. The session is divided into two terms –April to September and October to March. 2 S.A's
- 8. There will be two cycles of Formative Assessments and one Summative Assessment in each term. It has been made mandatory for students to obtain at least 33% aggregate marks in Summative Assessment I & II. They will have to clear both the Summative Assessment separately for Promotion to the next class.
- The report cards of the children will be based on the assessment/evaluation done by their teacher on the basis of day to day observation & on the basis of Formative Assessments.
- Class Ist to X will have 2 Summative Assessment in a year.
- Class XI & XII will have half – Yearly & yearly examination.
- Project work is planned in all subjects from class I onwards. The projects would relate to familiar topics and targets at the development of research and presentation skills and not simply learning by rote. Children would be given exposure to both individual and group project work.
- Appreciation would be given to regularity, Punctuality, neatness and timely submission of assignments. Marks will be deducted for late submission & untidy work.
- As per the CBSE guidelines we provide a platform for all children to participate in maximum of events and competitions in a session.
- A progress report will be provided to the parents twice in the academic year.
(For Payment of School dues)
- 1. Fee is payable in advance by 15th of first month of the quarter i.e. APRIL, JULY, OCT & JAN.
- 2. Fee can be paid in cash or by payee's A/c Cheque favoring Ralli International School. Parents should write name in Block Letters, Admission No., Class & Section of the child & Mobile No. of the parents on the reverse side of the cheque & re-check the same before depositing or dropping it in Drop Box.
- 3. If the payment is made by cheque, separate cheques should be made for each sibling.
- 4. Transport fee is charged for 11 months, payable quarterly. This facility cant' be availed for one or two months. If you want to withdraw the bus facility in the middle of the quarter, the entire fee of that quarter will be charged.
- 5. In case Fee cheque is dis-honoured charges of Rs 500/- alongwith the fine in cash upto the redeposit day.
- 6. If fee is not paid by due date, a fine of Rs 10/- per day will be charged upto the end of the quarter, after which the student's name will be struck off the school rolls. Re-admission will be granted only if there is vacancy in the class and re-admission fee of Rs 10,000/- will be charged.
- 7. If a student attends school even for a single day, he/she is liable to pay the fees for the full quarter.
- 8. Fee once paid will not be refundable under any circumstances.
- 9. Parents are advised to keep the fee receipt in their safe custody and produce it for reconciliation, if and when required.
- 10. No deletion/alteration of any amount is permissible.
- 11. The last clearance payment of school dues at the time of withdrawal is to be accepted by cash only.
- 12. Deposit of school fee is the responsibility of the parents, failing which the school is authorised to take suitable action as per the rules.
- 13. The school office will remain open during the Summer, 12Autumn & Winter Breaks, on all working days.
- 14. The school will not be responsible for delay in the payment of fees and no reminder will be issued in this regard.
- 15. Full year payment can be made in advance.
- 16. The school fee counter will remain open from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm
- 1. One month's advance notice is to be submitted or fee in lieu of, is to be paid when student is to be withdrawn. The School leaving Certificate will not be issued till all school dues have been settled.
- 2. A student who has once taken his/her transfer certificate and seek re-admission in the school would be treated as New Admission.
- 3. In case of cancellation of admission, whatsoever be the reason, nothing will be refunded except security deposit.
- School Timings 8.00 am - 2.00 pm
School Uniform
The following uniform is compulsory for all the students. They are not allowed to enter the school premises without proper school uniform, even on P.T.M (Class VI to XII)
Parents are expected to :
- 1. Check the hair cut, nails, uniform and punctuality of their ward.
- 2. The prescribed school unifom is available at the school counter. In order to maintain uniformity, parents are expected to buy the uniform at the school counter.
- 3. Summer uniform w.e.f the new Academic Session
- 4. Winter Uniform w.e.f 1st November
Class Ist to Vth
Girls:- Tunik (Brown Colour)
Shirt (Half Sleves)
Belt, Tie (of Tunik's colour)
Socks (off white with brown stripes)
Shoes (Black) |
Boys:- Nicker (Brown Colour)
Shirt (Half Sleves)
Belt, Tie (of Tunik's colour)
Socks (off white with brown stripes)
Shoes (Black) |
Class VI onwards
Girls:- Divider skirt (Brown colour)
Shirt, Belt, Tie, Socks & Shoes are same |
Boys:- Trousers (Brown colour)
Shirt, Belt, Tie, Socks & Shoes are same |
For Kindergarten:-
Girls:- T. Shirt - Red (half sleeves)
Tunik - denin blue
Socks - Red
Shoes - Black |
Boys:- Dangri Nicker (denim blue)
T. Shirt - Red (half sleeves)
Socks - Red
Shoes - Black |
House Uniform (Summers)
Girls:- Class Ist to IIIrd
Nicker (White)
T.Shirt (of respective house colors)
Belt (House colours)
Socks (white with stripes as per house colour)
Shoes White |
Girls:- IV Onwards
Divider skirt (white)
T.Shirt (respective house colors)
Belt (House colours)
Socks (white with stripes as per house colour)
Shoes White |
Boys:- Class I to V
Nicker (white)
T.Shirt (of respective house colours)
Belt (House Colour)
Socks (White with colour Stripes of respective house colour)
Shoes (white) |
Boys:- Class VI onwards
Trouser white
T.Shirt (of respective house colours)
Belt (House Colour)
Socks (White with colour Stripes of respective house colour)
Shoes (white) |
Girls & Boys I to XII
Trouser fawn khaki colour
Shirt (Full sleeves)
Sweater (half)
Blazer (Brown)
Tie (Brown)
Belt (Same as summer's)
Socks (woolen Brown)
Cap (Brown)
Shoes (Black) |
Dangri Pent (Denim Blue), T.shirt Woolen (Red), Jacket (Quilted), Socks Woolen (Grey), Cap Woolen (Red), Shoes (Black) |
House Uniform (Winter)
For Class Pre Nursery to Class XII, Track Suit Woolen (Grey), with respective House colour woolen, T.Shirt Shoes (White) |
- Uniform made to school specifications and at competitive rates. It is provided by the uniform shop.
- Test books and note books bearing the school name and logo are available at the school book counter.